The old me is gone Ashley Thigpen thought as she walked through the double-glass doors of the store-front church she’d joined less than an hour ago. The minister, Ashley thinks his name is John but can’t remember, told her to keep reminding herself that she is a new creature in Christ. She wanted to believe…
Finding Your Focus When You’ve Lost It
One of the hardest parts of marriage and motherhood is the constant struggle to operate in your own identity independent of your husband and children. When you don’t know who you are, it is almost impossible to focus on where you’re going or where you’re leading your children. I’ve been there, so caught up into…
Why I Stopped Sharing + Why I Can’t Stop Writing
It’s me again—ready to share because sharing is caring. After a long and much-needed hiatus, I’m back. And, I’m here to stay. Why I Stopped Sharing I’ve been in a place of private and public failures as well as quietly accomplishing a few things too personal to share online. I stopped sharing because I needed…