Check out my blog where I share tips on planning and productivity–you’ll even see how I apply these tips to my life as the owner of a PR firm and as a creative.
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Woman In Progress
We are a community of women committed to building, growing, and living our best lives. Our motto pray, plan, do for every next step.
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I help women entrepreneurs and creatives build their brands through strategic planning and public relations. Let me help you amplify your message.
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Be Bold
How many times have you walked away from a conversation kicking yourself for not saying what was on your heart? And, how many times have you stared at a blank computer screen or journal page trying to come up with the perfect words to communicate your brand, thoughts or ideas?
For many women, it is far too many. We often live in a constant state of second-guessing and overthinking every move because we’re afraid.
Afraid… that our voices won’t be heard.
Afraid… that we might offend someone.
Afraid… that we will get lost on the crowd.
Afraid… that our hopes and dreams are a little too selfish.
While some people stumble upon success. The rest of us have to work for it. We must be strategic.
Life is a lot like a game of chess. While tactics are used to move pieces across the board. Solid strategy wins the game. And, only those of us who are bold enough to take chances are left standing.
Grab a cup of coffee, tea, or wine and dig in. Read the blog. Join our community. Come up with a plan. Or, if you need help ASK for it.
And, by all means, BE BOLDĀ enough to implement.
Are You Ready…
… to live your BEST life? Eliminate the noise so you can gain clarity for your next step.
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