While I was reviewing my plan for February, I realized that I didn’t share my word of the month.

I kind of hinted at February’s word with my blog post about discernment. As I work towards becoming more prudent, I think it is necessary to make better decisions about relationships, especially my relationship with myself. Those decisions start with practicing discernment.
Lately, I have been asking why when I find myself making certain decisions. For example, earlier today while riding around in Fayetteville, I found myself driving to an ice cream shop. I didn’t want ice cream but because it had become a stop I made the boys I automatically drove there. It’s something simple but had I not taken a moment to find out why I was at an ice cream shop when I didn’t want ice cream I would have broken my no sweets rule for today.
On my quest for improvement I realize that I must be willing to dig deep into myself, my thoughts, my dreams, my desires as well as my sins and shortcomings. The actions of Today Makasha will affect Future Makasha.
Do you make decisions for Future You?