Hello. My name is Makasha, and I like food.
Like doesn’t feel right as I describe my affinity for food. Love is a little strong, so I like food—a lot. There, I’ve said it.
As I selected my word of the year, I devised a word for each month to reinforce my goal of being prudent this year. January’s word is abstemious; it means marked by restraint especially in the eating of food or drinking of alcohol.

See my dilemma? I am a self-proclaimed friend of food. How can I possibly become abstemious?
I don’t know, but I’d like you to join me on this journey. I need support and accountability. Can you follow me on Instagram? I’m @makashad.
In the meantime, if you have tips about mindful eating or simply not eating the entire bag of Oreos, please comment below or send DM over on IG.